Re: NANFA-L-- Fish Kill- Anyone have any ideas?

Bruce Stallsmith (
Sun, 15 May 2005 20:44:14 -0400

Maybe, with a 35% water change, if you used water additives to neutralize
chloramines, you had a sudden pulse of ammonia in the tank from liberating
the amines off of the chlorine. The situation sounds suspiciously like some
kind of nitrogen imbalance.

--Bruce Stallsmith
along the smiling Tennessee
Huntsville, AL, US of A

>From: Jeff Grabarkiewicz <>
>Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Fish Kill- Anyone have any ideas?
>Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 16:49:17 -0700 (PDT)
>I changed water last weekend, perhaps 35%. I keep up with water changes
>quite frequently. My pH is always slightly basic due to partial limestone
>substrates, which also keeps the water pretty "hard". Like I said, I
>checked the water quality parameters and everything was as normal...pH,
>NH3, alkalinity, NO2, etc...

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