Re: NANFA-L-- Flame Chub Testimony On Friday

Bruce Stallsmith (
Tue, 01 Nov 2005 21:43:26 -0500

The published material is kind of flakey. On the application for a
Scientific Collecting Permit, and with literature that comes with it, it
includes a list of species for which a SCP is needed, including flame chubs.
But on other, more definitive, lists it doesn't say anything about flame
chubs; they certainly don't have any formal state listing, for all the good
that does in Alabama anyway. I just downloaded a .pdf from the state DCNR
that lists "species of concern" in two broad categories, again not including
flame chubs but including some mussels I'd never seen listed by the state.
So I can't explain...

--Bruce Stallsmith
along the mussel-rich Tennessee
Huntsville, AL, US of A

>From: Christopher Scharpf <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Flame Chub Testimony On Friday
>Date: Tue, 01 Nov 2005 20:24:53 -0400
> > The species currently has almost no formal protection, not even Special
> > Concern,-in-either the state or federal level. The only protection in
> > is you need to have a Scientific Collecting Permit to be in possession
> > them in Alabama (I have a Permit...).
>Where in the AL regs does it say this? The last time I looked (12/27/04),
>these were Alabama's "protected" species:
>Cavefish, Alabama Speoplatyrhinus poulsoni
>Cavefish, Southern Typhlichthys subterraneus
>Chub, Spotfin Cyprinella monacha
>Darter, Boulder Etheostoma wapiti
>Darter, Coldwater Etheostoma ditrema
>Darter, Crystal Crystallaria asprella
>Darter, Goldline Percina aurolineata
>Darter, Holiday Etheostoma brevirostrum
>Darter, Lollipop Etheostoma neopterum
>Darter, Slackwater Etheostoma boschungi
>Darter, Snail Percina tanasi
>Darter, Tuscumbia Etheostoma tuscumbia
>Darter, Vermilion Etheostoma chermocki
>Darter, Watercress Etheostoma nuchale
>Madtom, Frecklebelly Noturus munitus
>Paddlefish Polyodon spathula
>Sculpin, Pygmy Cottus paulus
>Shad Alabama Alosa alabamae
>Shiner, Blue Cyprinella caerulea
>Shiner, Cahaba Notropis cahabae
>Shiner, Palezone Notropis albizonatus
>Sunfish, Spring Pygmy Elassoma alabamae
>Sturgeon, Alabama Shovelnose Scaphirvnchus suttkusi
>Sturgeon, Gulf Acipenser oxyrhynchus desotoi
>Chris Scharpf
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