--Bruce Stallsmith
along the mussel-rich Tennessee
Huntsville, AL, US of A
>From: Christopher Scharpf <ichthos-in-comcast.net>
>Reply-To: nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org
>To: <nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org>
>Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Flame Chub Testimony On Friday
>Date: Tue, 01 Nov 2005 20:24:53 -0400
> > The species currently has almost no formal protection, not even Special
> > Concern,-in-either the state or federal level. The only protection in
> > is you need to have a Scientific Collecting Permit to be in possession
> > them in Alabama (I have a Permit...).
>Where in the AL regs does it say this? The last time I looked (12/27/04),
>these were Alabama's "protected" species:
>Cavefish, Alabama Speoplatyrhinus poulsoni
>Cavefish, Southern Typhlichthys subterraneus
>Chub, Spotfin Cyprinella monacha
>Darter, Boulder Etheostoma wapiti
>Darter, Coldwater Etheostoma ditrema
>Darter, Crystal Crystallaria asprella
>Darter, Goldline Percina aurolineata
>Darter, Holiday Etheostoma brevirostrum
>Darter, Lollipop Etheostoma neopterum
>Darter, Slackwater Etheostoma boschungi
>Darter, Snail Percina tanasi
>Darter, Tuscumbia Etheostoma tuscumbia
>Darter, Vermilion Etheostoma chermocki
>Darter, Watercress Etheostoma nuchale
>Madtom, Frecklebelly Noturus munitus
>Paddlefish Polyodon spathula
>Sculpin, Pygmy Cottus paulus
>Shad Alabama Alosa alabamae
>Shiner, Blue Cyprinella caerulea
>Shiner, Cahaba Notropis cahabae
>Shiner, Palezone Notropis albizonatus
>Sunfish, Spring Pygmy Elassoma alabamae
>Sturgeon, Alabama Shovelnose Scaphirvnchus suttkusi
>Sturgeon, Gulf Acipenser oxyrhynchus desotoi
>Chris Scharpf
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