>Another research area of symbiosis that I haven't seen in print since the
>70s is the utilization of one fish species' nest by other species.
Fletcher, D. E. 1993. Nest association of dusky shiners and redbreast sunfish...
Copeia 1993: 159-167.
Goff, G.P. Brood care of longnose gar by smallmouth bass. Copeia 1984: 153-161.
Johnston, C.E. 1994.The benefit of some minnows of spawning in the nests of
other species. Envir. Biol. Fish. 40: 213-218.
Johnston, C.E. 1994. Nest association in fishes: evidence for mutualism. Behav.
Ecol. Sociobiol. 35: 379-383.
Katula, R..S. 1994. Golden shiner utilizing bowfinnest as spawning site.
American Currents Fall: 26-29.
Katula, R.S. and L.M. Page. 1998. Nest association between a large predator, the
bowfin, and its prey, the golden shiner. Copeia 1998: 220-221.
Nest association is common among North American fishes. Some 35 species of
minnows have been documented spawning over the nests of larger fishes, usually
other minnows. Such associations are believed to be mutually beneficial for both
species. Associates don't have to expend energy constructing nests or protecting
their fry, while both host and associate benefit in that eggs are less likely to
be eaten in areas of high egg density. The discovery of golden shiners spawning
over the nests of a large piscivore like the bowfin "further emphasizes the
extraordinary relationship that can develop between predator and prey during the
spawning season" (Katula and Page, 1998).
Chris Scharpf
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