Re: NANFA-- nest associates (was crayfish burrows)

Bruce Stallsmith (
Thu, 06 Apr 2000 15:45:10 EDT

It was in 1993 that I last looked at the literature, I gotta admit. I have
all the 60s and 70s papers in a folder still from when I started to write a
review of what I had seen (even from the journal Bremleyana!). Although I
should have noticed the most recent Copeia articles... even so, the
following articles touch on only a small number of possible relationships
(and I'm glad to see Larry Page on the ball with this subject).

--Bruce Stallsmith
in library-poor Huntsville, AL

>Fletcher, D. E. 1993. Nest association of dusky shiners and redbreast
>Copeia 1993: 159-167.
>Goff, G.P. Brood care of longnose gar by smallmouth bass. Copeia 1984:
>Johnston, C.E. 1994.The benefit of some minnows of spawning in the nests of
>other species. Envir. Biol. Fish. 40: 213-218.
>Johnston, C.E. 1994. Nest association in fishes: evidence for mutualism.
>Ecol. Sociobiol. 35: 379-383.
>Katula, R..S. 1994. Golden shiner utilizing bowfinnest as spawning site.
>American Currents Fall: 26-29.
>Katula, R.S. and L.M. Page. 1998. Nest association between a large
>predator, the
>bowfin, and its prey, the golden shiner. Copeia 1998: 220-221.
>Nest association is common among North American fishes. Some 35 species of
>minnows have been documented spawning over the nests of larger fishes,
>other minnows. Such associations are believed to be mutually beneficial for
>species. Associates don't have to expend energy constructing nests or
>their fry, while both host and associate benefit in that eggs are less
>likely to
>be eaten in areas of high egg density. The discovery of golden shiners
>over the nests of a large piscivore like the bowfin "further emphasizes the
>extraordinary relationship that can develop between predator and prey
>during the
>spawning season" (Katula and Page, 1998).
>Chris Scharpf

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