>From: <ichthos_at_charm.net>
>Reply-To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
>To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
>Subject: NANFA-- Do your zoo a favor. Kill a cheetah!
>Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 20:31:37 GMT
>Yesterday I forwarded to this list a Biblical rationale for preserving
>biodiversity. Earlier today Rob Carillio forwarded to me a news item that
>mentioned an unbelievably stupid rationale for just the opposite.
>According to the news items, the U.S. Navy was found guilty of violating
>the Migratory Bird Treaty Act by bombing and shelling a small island in the
>Pacific Ocean and killing protected birds. The Navy knew it was killing the
>birds, but incorrectly thought that federal agencies were exempt. (They’re
>And now for the unbelievably stupid part.
>The Washington Legal Foundation, which supported the Navy in the suit,
>argued that environmentalists should support the Navy bombing because
>it makes bird species more rare, offering birdwatchers additional
>enjoyment when spotting live specimens!
>If this logic were extended to, say, whales, then indiscriminant whale
>hunting would be a good thing because it would make actually seeing a
>whale even more enjoyable!
>Do your zoo a favor. Kill a cheetah!
>Do America a favor. Kill a bald eagle!
>Are people in our government Think Tanks actually this stupid? Or do they
>think that *we're* that stupid to actually buy such a ludicrous concept?
>Chris Scharpf
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