Re: NANFA-- Okefenokee trip pictorial

Bruce Stallsmith (
Fri, 12 Apr 2002 17:17:04 -0400

>btw bruce... next time you come on a trip wear your boy scout uniform. we
>might be able to work up a fishin merit badge for your sash.
>i just heard the other day they have a snorkling merit badge. how old can a
>ex boy scout be and still qualify for another badge? :)
>my son and i have put our name on the backup list for a 1 week bsa summer
>camp on a island in the florida keys... hot dang and sunburn here i hope to
By the time I left the Boy Scouts our troop had slid into military fatigues
as our de facto uniform; it was the late 60s and things had gotten weird in
retrospect. But I'll see what I can do!

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A
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