Re: NANFA-- gar revisited
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 14:51:07 EDT
bg sent me a little 3 or 4 inch long nose gar about 2 years ago. it is now
about 16" long. last year it resided in my 18' x 36' swimming pool. when i
drained it there were no more goldfish nor the 100 fathead minnows i had
added... but i still had ALL my topminnows? i think... but not positive and
highly reckon he ate all the goldfish and fatheads.
i do like the idea of having a one major predator in the pool to weed out
sick fish... however im afraid he will eat virtually everything! right now he
is in a containment corner portion of the pool... about a cubic yard of water
where the filtration pump sits. a bit small for him. i called the tn
aquarium's chris coco but they have plenty of gars on display :)
what do yall think about returning him to the big pool?
otherwise since bg and nanfa has a no return policy... his time may be near.
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