Re: NANFA-- TN River Gorge Seinerama 4/27
Fri, 19 Apr 2002 09:55:25 EDT

some extra special news!
ed scott, a good friend and fisheries biologist for tva will be staying with
us. very knowledgable, enthusiastic and a great sense of humor. some of you
may remember him from the 1998 nanfa convention here in chattanooga. he spoke
on snail darters and their monitoring surveys and water enhancement and
oxyenation below dams.
he may be bringing a friend too so we are getting a excellent group together.
we still have room for a few more so let me know if anyone is interested.

martin... im sorry to hear you probably will not make it. i hope you can find
a way! i enjoyed being in the okeefenokee with you. bruce... have you talked
your wife from art to fish yet? :)
steve may bring his stepson.
we are trying to get some rides worked out for chip.
i wish dave nelly could make it... i would like to see a wrestling match
between him and ed at the barbeque pit over sculp-ka-bobs.
ive called and left messages for non email tn members. all you regional state
reps should do the same for your states. if time had allowed we could have
done a mailing proper.
this time next friday folks will start arriving at my place. the grass is
overgrown and the pond is almost full! ive got lots to do yet and business is


ed may be bringing a special treat if we can work it out. :)
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