Fishy Activities at Clinton Community Nature Center
Would you like to know more about the fishes that inhabit our local
waters? Do you want to know what ichthyologists do? Would you like to be
better at catching, identifying, and keeping fish? If so, visit the Clinton
Community Nature Center from 0900-1200 on 04 May 2002 to experience
"Fabulous Fishes," a hands-on, action-packed workshop about our finny
"Fabulous Fishes" is part of the monthly series at the Nature Center
that provides visitors of all ages with opportunities to work with and learn
from local naturalists. This month, visitors will be entertained and
educated by biologists and hobbyists from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Waterways Experiment Station and from the North American Native Fishes
Association. Activities will include training in fish identification,
anatomy, age determination, diet and reproductive study, fishing games,
gyotaku (the Japanese art of fish print making), fish bone identification,
and an easy-to-repeat experiment on the breathing rates of fishes. Exhibits
will include unusual fish specimens, sampling gear, home aquarium setups,
and fishing equipment. Educational materials will be available to teachers
and parents, and fish-related door prizes will be presented during ticket
D. Martin Moore, Mississippi Chapter Regional Representative for the
North American Native Fishes Association reports that public outreach is a
priority for the organization. "We are very excited about introducing
people to our continent's non-game fishes. NANFA spends a lot of time and
money working with individuals, communities, schools, museums, and nature
centers, all with the hope of opening the public's eyes to our amazing
natural heritage - and how close we are to losing it."
Workshop will feature information on the many freshwater and marine
fishes that inhabit the state, but special emphasis will be on the ancient
"living fossils" that inhabit the Mississippi Basin - paddlefish, sturgeon,
gars, bowfin. Special guest will be Neil H. Douglas, professor emeritus of
the University of Louisiana at Monroe and author of the book "Freshwater
Fishes of Louisiana."
The Clinton Community Nature Center is located at 617 Dunton Road,
Clinton, MS. For more information call 601-926-1104.
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