Re: NANFA-- Lighting Questions

Irate_Mormon (
Sun, 21 Apr 2002 06:54:31 -0500

At 05:54 PM 4/21/02, you wrote:

Metal Halide, among HID bulbs, comes closest to natural lighting and is
probably the best for large tanks. Unfortunately, as you've noticed, it's
quite expensive - $100-$200 for a single fixture. Do not attempt to use MH
in the less expensive Mercury vapor or sodium fixtures - it won't work.

Fluorescent is inexpensive and has good spectral characteristics (with the
right bulb combination) but it diffuses to rapidly (it is not nearly as
specular as HID) to penetrate much into the water. There is a guy in the
internet who sells MH fixtures for cheap - about $45 I think. These may be
industrial/commercial pulls, which is a good way to get cheap lighting. If
you're lucky you can get some pulls for free from a local warehouse remodel
or something. Then all you would need would be some 5500K bulbs.

>Thus question may be better directed toward tropical reef aquarists, but
>the knowledge and helpfulness of this group is often staggering. And I'll
>be loyal to my group and ask them first. Here it is:
>At the Bristol County Natural History Center, site of many NANFA New
>England meetings, we have over 1,000 gallons of tanks displaying fish
>native to southern New England. Correct lighting has been an ongoing
>problem. We are using every thing from pet store grade strip lights to
>incandescent clamp lights. Other than the "Stream Tank", where the subdued
>lighting works, none of the tanks seem to be appropriately lit.
>Commercially available lights are outrageously expansive, when the
>generosity of others faulters we must beg, borrow or steal what we need. So
>here is the actual question: HAS ANYONE ANY EXPERIENCE WITH HOMEMADE
>Home Depot must have somethign I can use! What I'm looking for is as follows:
>Buzzard's Bay Tank (Brightly lit 265 gallon marine tank behind a wall)
>Cape Cod Bay Tank (Almost as brightly lit 180 gallon marine tank behind a
>Lakes and Pond Tank(Brightly lit planted freshwater tank free-standing in
>the middle of the room 180 gallons 3/4 full)
>Sorry for the long posting. Thanks for any help.
>Brian Bastarache
>Bristol County Natural History Center/
>Bristol County Agricultural School
>135 Center St.
>Dighton, MA
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Jackson, MS
Dad always thought laughter was the best medicine, which I guess is why
several of us died of tuberculosis.
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