Re: NANFA-- AARRGHH (EPA Would Allow Mine Dumping in Waterways)

R. W. Wolff (
Sun, 28 Apr 2002 08:46:21 -0500

Well, read it again. It says dirt and rock one time, then keeps calling it
waste, just as you did. Objectionaly waste would mean left over rock and
soil from digging,( which is what they meant) but in the mind it congers up
bags of stinking trash. I was pointing out how news stories are often
twisted to make them sound sensational. It's hard to tell what is news,
what is hype, what is exaggeration etc.

I never said that it was a wise resource use, I said that I did not agree
with the method of mining either. I also do not agree with how much of the
news is presented. Its more like an exciting movie than news. Remember how
dull and informative the news used to be? Even the weather forecast is not
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