Tue, 1 Apr 2003 14:51:28 EST

Steffen the "greens" aren't the friends of any human. I think they would like
for all of us to die so the planet can go back to animals. While I like the
wilderness if I can't enjoy it by going there what's the use of having it? We
all need to protect the environment but we also need to live. Personally I am
one of the "nuts" that think we should leave the earth for space colonies but
as long as the greenies stifle nuclear power in space we will just have to
sit here and dream of what may one day be. I know it sounds cold and
heartless but what is really needed is to limit the overall population. Of
course that is ok for those "other guys" but not for us. Nothing will save
the earth as long as people continue to multiply in a geometric manner. I
guess I am just a die hard but I still want to try and save the planet's
ecosystem and live a decent life as well. I'm not sure how that will be
possible but it will be people like me, you and other NANFA's that eventually
make it happen or die trying to make it happen. One thing we agree on is that
people are capable of keeping exotics without releasing them into the
environment and that is important for people to understand why this must be
avoided. Also people must have access to local native fish and herps for
pets, breeding, and other hands on projects. If people don't have access to
wild life at the most basic level then the incentive to protect that wild
life diminishes profoundly. Most fish and wildlife organizations seem to
think that wild life is only important due to it's value for hunters and
fishermen. While I am an avid fisherman I also see the way that fish and game
departments concentrate only on game fish breeding and stocking them without
seeming to see the importance of non-game fish and the rest of the ecosystem.
Ask the fish and game how to stock a pond here and all you'll get is bass,
blue gills, and fertilizer. No mention or care for the rest of the food chain
for a healthy pond or lake, totally off the mark! Of course this is just my
opinion, I could be wrong!

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