Travis Haas (
Tue, 01 Apr 2003 14:19:26 -0600 wrote:
>I know it sounds cold and
> heartless but what is really needed is to limit the overall population.

I agree wholeheartedly, Moon. With fewer mouths to feed, farming
wouldn't need to be so "efficient" and require the existence of
commerical farms and genetically engineered crops. And with the removal
of things such as that, the environment would already be showing
improvement. In many cases, management of natural areas is just a
postponement of the inevitable future (disatrous) result, being fueled
by current conditions.

At the same time, reducing what the population (however big or small it
may be) consumes and/or wastes can do wonders. And we're making
progress in that area. Let's hope it continues.

So what's the big paradox? That the die hard proponents of "reduce the
population" are essentially culling the genes for their own kind when
they try to follow their own advice :)
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