Re: NANFA-- Herb Axelrod is on the lam!
Mysteryman (
Thu, 22 Apr 2004 08:55:00 -0700
Ya know, it's kinda fun to sit here and make fun of this superrich
semicelebrity, but at the same time I feel kind of sad. Axelrod has
always been one of my greatest heroes. Aquarium pioneer, adventurer,
globetrotter, publisher... it's staggering to think about just how much
the aquarium hobby owes this man. Yes, he's obnoxious and nasty
sometimes, but he would often turn around and do something super nice.
I always wanted to meet him, and almost got the chance once, but he is a
bit aloof because he's always so harried.
How many fish are named after him? 14 or so?
Can you think of anyone else who deserves it more? Not even Innes did as
much for the hobby and science of fishkeeping.
Without him, where would any of us be?
Give 'em hell, Herbert! Good luck!
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