Well I have the official answer from the Indiana State Non-Game Biologist.
There were some who were inquiring about State Endangered animals for
photographs this weekend at the Tippecanoe. Unfortunately, for our
pictorial purposes, the rule is they should be _immediately_ returned to
where they were found. The species who will be in our area are spotted,
bluebreast, Tippecanoe and gilt darters.
The good news is... We have 64 other species, that have been found in the
past at the same locations, to photograph and consider for our captive care.
So I say... Bring on them juvie Nocomis and adult Noturus! :)
Liscences can be purchased here:
Camping reservations can be made here:
The general regulations are here:
Any questions, feel free to contact me via email or at home 419-539-6810.
Hope to see you there this weekend! :)
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
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