He's also prepared a few copies on the Rite in Rain paper so we can just
check them off as we go. May we make many X's!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Crail" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 8:11 PM
Subject: NANFA-- Photographs at Tippecanoe
> Greetings folks...
> Well I have the official answer from the Indiana State Non-Game Biologist.
> There were some who were inquiring about State Endangered animals for
> photographs this weekend at the Tippecanoe. Unfortunately, for our
> pictorial purposes, the rule is they should be _immediately_ returned to
> where they were found. The species who will be in our area are spotted,
> bluebreast, Tippecanoe and gilt darters.
> The good news is... We have 64 other species, that have been found in the
> past at the same locations, to photograph and consider for our captive
> So I say... Bring on them juvie Nocomis and adult Noturus! :)
> Liscences can be purchased here:
> Camping reservations can be made here:
> The general regulations are here:
> Any questions, feel free to contact me via email or at home 419-539-6810.
> Hope to see you there this weekend! :)
> Todd
> It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
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