Re: NANFA-- TFH gar article

R. W. Wolff (
Tue, 6 Aug 2002 01:54:08 -0500

Here is the quick easy in iding spotteds from Floridas. This only works on
adults viewed from the side, but once you are accostumed to them, a top view
will work as well. Check the snout versus remainder of the head lengths. If
the snout is longer, it is a spotted, if it is shorter or the same, a
Florida. One thing that messes this up is the intergrades ( hybrids) that
occur on the edge of the two fishes ranges. Spotteds look nearly identical
to shortnoses, with better paint jobs, and Floridas are more similar to
Alligator gars, since they are thick bodied as well with the shorter snout,
which gives the illusion it is wider. I did not find this information in a
book until I noticed it myself. Then recently I read about this method

You are mistaking inches for centimeters. The fish were 17 and 19 inches,
roughly, or something very close to that. The G.A.S.S. site does have some
records on it, but I am not sure if it has all current ones for all the

Hope this helps,
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