As to darters... they're many and variegated, my understatement for the
month. One source you could use for ID is "The Fishes of Alabama and the
Mobile Basin" by Mettee, O'Neil and Pierson, published by Oxmoor House in
Birmingham. It has color photos that are as good as you could expect, and
good distribution maps. Or, there's the Page and Burr book "Freshwater
Fishes of North America", one of the Peterson Field Guides, which is
obviously more comprehensive. A patchy literature exists on the reproductive
habits of darter species; many are known, a surprising number are still
poorly understood.
--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A
>Subject: NANFA-- Darters and Sculpins
>Date: Mon, 05 Aug 2002 19:21:08 -0400
>Hello all,
> One more question for you guys from a "newbie". I was wondering what
>is the best way for one or two people to identify and\or gather information
>on darters and sculpins and other fish in their native habitat? I happen
>to have their habitat in my backyard, so I have plenty of time to observe,
>but I still need a way to discern what species is what and I need to know
>how to go about gathering info on their reproductive habits. My main
>objective is to find out as much as humanly possible about these Pygmy
>Sculpins I have grown so fond of. Thanks in advance for any weblinks
>and info you may have.
> Jon Hanson
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