At first, NANFA's Tennessee rep Casper Cox was just doing members of NANFA's
e-mail list a favor. In the end, Casper's good deed wound up netting NANFA an
unexpected $110!
Casper took orders for three videos produced by Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University (see below). He requested that each individual send an
extra $5 to cover shipping and handling, believing that he would be responsible
for shipping the videos to their final destinations. Casper was surprised and
delighted to learn that Virginia Tech shipped the tapes directly to their
recipients and did not charge for shipping. So what to do with the extra money?
Almost everyone agreed that Casper should donate it to NANFA. Which he did.
NANFA thanks everyone for their generosity. They are: Leo H. Arieux, Mark
Binkley, Bob Culler, Jay DeLong, Rob Denkhaus, Jim Graham, Elmer Guerri, Roger
Halleen, Gay Hemsath, Sajjad Lateef, Leo S. Long, Dick Norwood, Charles
Nunziata, Rick Rego, Fritz Rohde, Klaus Schoening, Mike Thennet, William D.
Tullock, Tom Watson, and Ken Wintin.
Thanks also to Virginia tech for producing these great videos and picking up the
postage. And, of course, to Casper Cox, whose initial generosity got the ball
The videos are: America's Nongame Fishes: Swimming in Troubled Waters (featuring
the amazing underwater videography of Dr. William Roston); America's Crayfish:
Crawling in Troubled Waters; and America's Pearly Mussels. Each video is $10
(shipping included!). Virginia Tech also offers four beautiful posters--on
fishes, crayfish, mussels, and snails--which are $5.
To order, write: Extension Distribution Center, c/o Monte Hale, 112 Landsdowne
Street, Blacksburg, VA 24060. Make check payable to "Virginia Tech Treasurer."
Proceeds go to Virginia's Techıs Conservation/Education Fund.
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