----- Original Message -----
From: Tony <anutej_at_loxinfo.co.th>
To: <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 10:48 AM
Subject: NANFA-- Off Topic question about Nannostomus "red arch" and Rasbora
kalochroma Re: LFS WAS Re: NANFA--thatpetplace.com
> Is this Nannostomus red arch similar [or the same as] to N. beckfordi
> similar to in Baensch's atlas Vol.1 pg. 343 ? In that pic in the atlas
the fish
> has red color primarly above the horizontal stripe from behind the head to
> base of caudal fin and below the stripe from before the pelvic fin base to
> base of caudal fin. Also is the N. beckfordi that is red is the
subspecies N. b.
> aripirangensis and is other varieties have lots of red too?
> Also, if anyone here have some experience with the clown rasbora Rasbora
> kalochroma? I had seen some 3-5 cm rasbora on sale that is red with black
> on the body but has quite big fins. Is the clown rasbora easy to sex?
Any other
> species similar to it [not counting the tiny maculata]? Anyone bred them?
> Tony
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