RE: NANFA-- paddlefish food

Hoover, Jan J ERDC-EL-MS (
Tue, 12 Dec 2000 10:19:32 -0600

Techniques for aquarium feeding were reported in 1925 by an aquarist at the
Lincoln Park Zoo - when he ran out of live daphnia, he tried suspensions of
chopped liver which the paddlefish ate. Aquarists since then have used a
similar "condensed soup" approach but with various ingredients and degrees
of success.

As far as food quality goes, the MMNS diet seems right on target.
Paddlefish in nature feed primarily on crustacean zooplankton, secondarily
on aquatic fly larvae; in some environments they eat rotifers. Steven
George and I have done gut analyses on paddlefish in the Mississippi delta
and found that 53% of the diet was copepods, 45 % cladocera, 1% seed shrimp,
and 1% insects (most of which were phantom midges and bloodworms). Because
the insects are larger, their contribution to the diet is greater than
numbers would indicate, but I tend to think that paddlefish get all the
nutrients they need from just a few major invertebrate taxa.

>>>Who in turn got THEIR advice from the Tennessee and Americas. I am just
wondering about the quality of the food. MMNS is feeding a slurry of
brine shrimp, bloodworms, and some type of ocean planton (I
think). I don't think of FBS as a good staple food. SInce I don't
have any personal experience with this species then I am
encouraged by your observations on "normal" growth.<<<

> We got our advice on feeding from MMNS. A couple of times during the
> day, they turn off filters and add a plankton cocktail suspension and
> the fish to filter feed. We did something very similar.

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