> Males can get nasty on females if the female
> does not cooperate. I had one male rip a females ventral fins right off,
> yikes!
Gack! Why that sounds like RAPE to me! In a civilized and
enlightened society such as ours we do not need to tolerate such
behavior. Animals must not be allowed to act in an unhumane
fashion towards other animals. Clearly the female fish has a
choice - to mate or not to mate. The male should respect this as
any ethical being would do.
Jackson, MS
It makes me mad when I go to all the trouble of having Marta cook up about
a hundred drumsticks, and the guy at the Marineland says, "You can't throw
chicken to the dolphins. They eat fish." Sure they eat fish, if that's all
you give them. Man, wise up.
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