> Has anyone found a good scrubbing pad that doesn't leave hairline
> scratches in the glass of their tanks over time? Or maybe this
> just goes with the hobby... Am I scrubbing too hard? Are aquariums
> made with different types of glass (hardness)that lend themselves to
> scratching?
> Come on let's talk GLASS...
I am glad you brought this up. My pride and joy, a 110 gallon tank,
is riddled with scratches from "non-scratching" scrubber pads. I
don't know if the fibers themselves cause the scratches, or bits of
gravel and sand that might get picked up. In any even, I now use a
razor blade. A friend of mine had a 55 which was several years
old and NO SCRATCHES! She used one of those magnetic deals
which have wire fingers on the business end. I shudder to think
what an acrylic tank would look like in my care!
"Some folks crazy 'bout silver dollars,
He's crazy 'bout glass!"
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