Re: NANFA-- sturgeon culture (was 'newbie')

jake levi (
Tue, 12 Dec 2000 09:31:49 -0800 (PST)

I feel confident enough with the possibilities that I
intend to start a few fingerlings next spring. Anyone
considering this needs to check with their state DNR.
I found NY has an interesting set of statutes in which
PARTS of Lake Sturgeon brought into the state require
a permit and supporting documentation, but there is no
regulations for live import other then a special
permit to possess a threatened species. No permit to
operate a
hatchery or grow-out facility is required other then
the special possession permit. Purchase of a
threatened species for propagation purposes has been
approved and monitored, most of the existing cases
being with falconers breeding various species of
falcon and hawks. If its not native to NY it seems to
take considerable effort, if it is native then as long
as its monitored it seems to be allowed, every case is
a 'special case'.

Whatever, while its a fascinating family I am sure it
would pay dividends to set down with your regional DNR
people and have a heart to heart. In many cases I
believe they would like to see private resources used
for what they dont have resources for.

--- Christopher Scharpf <> wrote:
> Jake Levi said:
> > they are a species that has shown itself to be
> amenable to both open and
> closed
> > system culture
> Jake,
> By "culture" do you mean captive propagation? Is
> this natural or artifical
> culture? Details, please.
> Chris Scharpf
> Baltimore
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