In addition, independent stores are usually occupied by an owner who
contributes to his community in ways we never consider, like supporting your
kids school functions, local taxes, and providing a quality job for a few
(add up all the jobs provided by independent business in USA, and you will
find that they employ some 2/3rds of the jobs.. source AMERICAN FEDERATION
OF INDEPENDENT BUSINESSES) Supporting your locals also helps to keep jobs in
inner city, and inner suburban areas, that would result in less pressure for
rual areas (where high quality native fish habitat exhists) to become
urbanized, also resulting in the protection of family farms. You will often
find quality items, programs, and services not found in a store that is
rarely seen by the CEO (except when he flies over it in a jet!) , and a
store that was started not by people who had a passion for fish, but rather,
a passion for the stock market! HA!
As you can see, supporting the local independent business means alot more
than saving a few pennies on a filter, so to speak, it's about protecting
your soverignty, choice, environment, econimic stability and diversity,
community, quality of life, and so much more. Only when, as consumers, we
look at the big picture, and not just our little desire to save a dime for
ourselves, and also look at the scope of things beyond the store shelf, will
we see that we have the ability top save the kind of businesses that fall.
Pretty soon, we won't have a choice, and the big guys can do whatever they
want to the prices, because they will be the only ones left around!(a
monopoly) Your childrens opportunity to operate a family owned independent
Aquarium store that would provide a good living forthemselves will be in big
trouble. Then, instead of ALL enjoying the benefits of an economy that
boasts a healthy diversity, you will then have to surrender to the "dragon"
and be his slave! So goes your choices. just go to any major US city and
look around... it is vastly, and fastly becoming an environment that offers
ONLY clone zone mega stores that offer mass marketed high volume junk!
In conclusion, I am not saying that the big guys have no place in our
economy, rather, they do NOT have to be on every corner of every town
saturating the market until the rest of us are snubbed out. This is not free
enterprise when only a few benefit and zap your choice away. This is what it
means to support, whenever possible, the local independents...... if
nothing else..... to spare some greenspace and the places where our beloved
native fishes come from in the first place. The very habitat that inspired
us in the first place to appreciate these wonderful creatures!...... R.
Carillio Ohio NANFA, and independent business owner.
>Subject: Re:
>Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 09:07:39 EST
>I go online because most if not the local stores are directed toward the
>first time or die and replace crowd.
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