I pay 90 cents local taxes for every $10 bucks I spend.......
That's 9 percent out of the money I cleared after the other state and
federal taxes!
Think about it!
----- Original Message -----
From: Jeffrey Fullerton <tcmajorr_at_westol.com>
To: <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA--thatpetplace.com/ The Real Cause of Sprawl
> > n conclusion, I am not saying that the big guys have no place in our
> > economy, rather, they do NOT have to be on every corner of every town
> > saturating the market until the rest of us are snubbed out. This is not
> > enterprise when only a few benefit and zap your choice away. This is
what it
> > means to support, whenever possible, the local independents...... if
> > nothing else..... to spare some greenspace and the places where our
> > native fishes come from in the first place. The very habitat that
> > us in the first place to appreciate these wonderful creatures!
> >
> Have you ever wondered about the real cause of urban sprawl?
> One of the biggest problems facing small business is the morass of taxes
> and regulatory burdens imposed by government at all levels. Big business
> on the other hand often benefits from regulations that squeeze out the
> competition from below because they have more resources at their
> disposal and can redistibute costs better. They also get all the favors
> from local governments that are hungry for the revinue. They way they
> see things is that Walmart will employ more people and pay more taxes
> than some selfish little entriprenure who is barely making enough to
> stay in businuss.
> Alot of that is going on right now in our region - esp in downtown
> Pittsburgh where Mayor Tom (Eminent Domain) Murphy has pushed small mom
> & pop operations aside to make way for a big developer. In this case it
> could be argued that it was for the 'greater good' but it was not at all
> fair to those displaced - who could have hung on if the city had not
> stepped in - people who worked for themselves as opposed to having to
> work for someone else.
> Environmentalists howl about the evils of urban sprawl but they usually
> neglect to address the real cause. Why are people so desperate to run
> away from the cities?
> The real driving force behind sprawl is that government is it's own
> worst enemy - a good example would be city govt of the District of
> Columbia - which like many city governments became a veratable gravy
> train for city employees. It takes taxes to support that kind of
> organization and that translates into higher costs for everything - be
> it utilities, food , higher taxes on property owners etc. While
> stationed at Andrews AFB I remember the owner of a petshop just inside
> the DC city limits saying that taxes were the reason night crawlers
> costed double what they cost me here in W. Pennsylvania. People will
> only tollerate so much and those with the means inevitably relocate to
> outlying districts where the cost of living is lower.
> Businesses also migrate where the cost of operating is lower and less
> constrained by regulations.
> You can't blame people from bailing out. Communities that tax and
> constrain private enterprise too much ruin the source of their
> prosperity and force people out to displace ecosystems elsewhere. So
> then they bend over backwards trying to lure in the mega stores or cut
> their own throats to get a factory somewhere else to relocate for the
> sake of aquiring a lucrative stream of new revinue!
> Of course we are all at fault. Because we allow government grow big
> enough in the first place to aquire a ravenous appetite it levies taxes
> on a percieved ëfair market valueí of real property with the deliberate
> intent to displace existing ownership and encourage over development.
> Government should really be in in business to safegaurd life and
> property of citizens as opposed to manipulation of land use and
> infrastructure development for the sake of revinue enhancement to
> finance it's own expansion.
> In order to stop urban spraw it is necessary to stop government sprawl!
> Only when a sizable majority wises up to this game and decides to do
> something will things ever change.
> Jeff
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