Re: NANFA-- outdoor breeding suggestions

R. W. Wolff (
Tue, 3 Dec 2002 23:41:32 -0600

I don't use any power in many of my ponds. Although the killi pond does get
the excess air pumped to it from the blower for my fish room. Before that
its only airation was wind and rain, and the occassional top off in dry
times. The big "Gar River Pond" has 4200 gph of flow though, I will admit.
The rest of the smaller ponds are just as the killipond was. The current is
not nessacary, I just through that in in case you were interested in stream
fish. Luckily I like still water lowland fish in most cases, so the cheap
method ( no pumps or other need for power) works great.

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