Jay DeLong wrote:
> Katrina, do you mean octopi change color from fear or as a threat or
> something like that? And what do you mean by changing skin texture?
> I'll try to find those octopi photos in Audubon. Really fascinating!
> --
> Jay DeLong
> Olympia, WA
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-nanfa_at_aquaria.net On Behalf
> > Of Katrina kruse
> > Sent: Sunday, December 19, 1999 10:08 PM
> > To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
> > Subject: Re: [Re: NANFA-- Plants]{D.WEED}
> >
> >
> > I haven't seen the show yet, but there are quite a few animals (fish and
> > invertebrates) that "mimic" their host -- but they don't go from
> > species to
> > species as hosts. In Papua New Guinea I photographed small
> > clingfish that mimiced
> > sea fans and crinoids in both color and shape. Transparent shrimp that are
> > commensal with anemones mimic colors and sometimes textures. Flounder have
> > chromataphores that allow them to change skin color for supposed
> > camoflauge
> > purposes, and the Octopus dofleini (Giant Pacific Octopus)
> > changes its skin
> > texture and color at will -- I completely am convinced it is an
> > emotional response
> > and not all a "blend in" effort. Isn't the world interesting? katrina
> >
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