> At 11:56 AM 12/4/99 -0600, you wrote:
> >I'm not sure that suggesting widespread use of flagfish, or red shiners, or
> >Pteronotropis in such a case will achieve our goal (as cool as they mey be).
> >I'd <much> rather see it kept to local stuff.
> >
> I heartily agree.
I have to disagree, at least to a point. For example, it would not be
wise to use local species if their collection is illegal, for any reason.
In Kansas, several species are designated SINC (Species In Need of
Conservation) species. For example the Blacknose Dace and Greesided
Darter have those designations in Kansas, but are abundant and
unrestricted in other states. Therefore, I cannot collect them in Kansas
so I import them and use them in my display at school as a
'representative' of the species found in Kansas and make sure people know
these were not caught in Kansas waters. Perhaps in some areas it is
illegal to keep any natives at all? Or, perhaps there are no locally
available specimens? By letting people know the varitey of fishes out
there throughout North America, we can not possibly be doing them a
disservice. Plus, perhaps some of the local species are not as tolerant
of aquarium life as say the Red Shiner at least for smaller children. Do
you want to run the risk of killing off a mroe delicate fish, simply
because it is 'local'? Just some comments to consider...
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