NANFA-- Collecting in AL.
R.W.Wolff (
Wed, 1 Dec 1999 09:27:44 -0600
Good luck on your collecting trip. Speaking of Olivaceous, I caught a
awesome trio of fundulus notatus this past weekend. I couldn't pass them
up, and brought them hoping to spawn them indoors over the winter to
introduce to my pools in the yard. They were quite large, and the male and
one of the females had alot of spots , reminded me of olivaceous. I also
brought home two trios of fundulus diaphanous menona. I hope to do the
same with these. If I had a digital camera I'd share pictures of these
guys with everyone, but not yet. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to get one for
a present. Sounds like a great device, no more wasted film on pictures
that don't turn out ( every picture I ever took of an aquarium pretty
much). And no waiting for the development process to find out they didnt
turn out. Has anyone had any experiene with digital cameras?
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