I am obliged to be at a convention at Orlando late January,
then at the Daytona 24 Hours race 5-6 February. (I'm on the
Board of Directors of a company that's supporting GM's
new Cadillac endurance race team - Daytona, Le Mans,
Sebring, etc.)
There's a little more than a week between the end of the convention
and the race weekend, so I plan to drive from Santa Barbara to
Florida to do some collecting in between. My eldest son will fly
to meet me so we can collect together, since he's also a fish keeper.
I would like to have specific information for the northern half of
Florida - locations, species, etc.; also for Alabama and Mississipi
for guidance during my homeward run. I've already alerted B. G.
that I might be in his area while passing through Louisiana.
Thanks a bunch for any assistance you can give me.
Bob Sinclair
Santa Barbara CA
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