Re: [Re: [Re: NANFA-- Plants]{D.WEED}]

Scott Burner (
19 Dec 99 17:59:27 EST

"Jeremy Carroll" <> wrote:

What about wrapping a sponge like you use to wash dishes around the intake
tube "intaker"?

Don't do it.
The household sponges have chemicals in them that will destroy bacteria and
kill your fish.
I hope you haven't done it yet.
Another thing to NEVER substitute for an aquarium product (media bag etc.) is
nylon stockings. Toxic dyes.
Basically, if it wasn't made for an aquarium, and could potentially leach
anything into the water, as almost anything will, it will most likely hurt
your fish.
Pre-filters are not expensive. They also provide lots of surface area for all
those beneficial bacteria and protozoa.
Never clean your pre-filter thoroughly, just squeeze it out and give it a
light rinsing. Just enough to allow water to freely flow through it again.
If you have fry in the tank giving the sponge a little poke will provide a
As for what to do with the water you squeeze out of the sponge? Water your
plants with it and watch them go.
Moving the sponge to a new tank you may decide to set up will also provide a
head start and get you quickly past all that nasty cycling headache.
Scott and Sharon

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