Really? They pulled out? That's not the way I've read it. Shelby et al have
argued that the sturgeon shouldn't be listed because the monies are in place,
but were afraid that ESA listing would take the monies away.
>Think about this- this is the same group of businessmen, lawyers, and
>politicians that have spent a huge amount of money trying to discredit
>science by claiming that it's not a valid species
It'a always amused me that they deny it's a species, but went to Congress anyway
to get pork barrel money to "protect" it.
Have you read lawyer Ray Vaughan's article on Alabama sturgeon and the ESA? He
says they're not fighting the listing because of the sturgeon. Instead, they're
using the sturgeon to help discredit the ESA while it's up fro reauthorization.
>Also, the USFWS biologist who has been leading the sturgeon campaign just
>had his house burn to the ground. Coincidence? I've been trying to get
>additional information- I've gotten word from two independent sources that
>it's under investigation as arson
Was this Paul Hartfield? My god, that's horrible!!! Please keep me informed.
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