I think it's high time we've had another significant "environmental" president.
Although Gore has backed off a bit on his eco-gunghoism since his book came out
(politics as usual, I guess), he still has my vote because he's the only
candidate who's fully demonstrated to me that he understands environmental
I was particularly impressed by Gore when he practically single-handedly got the
US and Russian governments to declassify and share secret scientific data both
countries had ammassed on Antarctica (thinking it would be the safest place on
Earth after a nuclear holocaust). This information has proved invaluable is
studying all kinds of things, among them climatology and global warming (the
latter of which one politcal party calls a scientific hoax).
I'm a registered Independent after spending my formative years as a Republican.
I study the issues that are relevant to me and vote for the candidate
accordingly, irrespective of party.
> From: "Jay DeLong" <thirdwind_at_att.net>
> To: <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
> Subject: NANFA-- environment and the presidency (was not a chick flick..)
> Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2000 12:31:05 -0800
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