Thanks for catching that mistake. I had McCain on the brain :-)
> (Oh, and by the way, it was a Republican who signed
> the ESA into law
> -- Richard Nixon -- perhaps the last significant environmental President.)
I was about 12 at the time and unaware of what was happening. I wish I
could have been conscious of what was going on-- the debate, etc.
Of course the Clean Water Act was written at about the same time, and at the
time it stated that all waters would be safe to swim in by 2000 or so :-)
We have a LONG way to go towards accomplishing that goal.
> I'm a registered Independent after spending my formative years as
> a Republican.
> I study the issues that are relevant to me and vote for the candidate
> accordingly, irrespective of party.
I'm the same. I grew up in a Republican household but always try to think
for myself, and never would consider voting along a party line. Also,
Martin's comment about "gridlock" is a good one.
-- Jay DeLong Olympia, WA
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