NANFA-- wildlife spring volunteer opportunities

Shireen Gonzaga (
Fri, 11 Feb 2000 09:39:25 -0800 (PST)

Volunteer for wildlife!

There are several programs starting up this spring
that could use your help. Here are a few...

Stream cleanups/monitoring:
I don't have specific contact information for this but
you can find it at the webpage of your local DNR.

Amphibian surveys:
Volunteers are needed to monitor amphibian
populations. There are several different levels, from
listening for calls in a selected spot near your area,
to counting critters in the water. Go to the Amphibian
monitoring page at the National Biological Service for
more info.

Spring bird count:
If you know your birds, contact your local bird club
to participate in the May migratory bird count. Even
if you don't know birds, join a group of counters to
get a feel for what it's all about. (It's loads of
fun!) Some bird clubs will also be doing banding work.
(For Delaware shorebird banding, contact me off-list.)

Horseshoe crab spawning survey:
My favorite!!! If you live near the mid-Atlantic east
coast, you don't want to miss this incredible
phenomena! We do a census of spawning horseshoe crabs
in May and June, as well as some tagging. (A tagged
hcrab i recovered last spring was originally tagged in
1994!) If you live within a 2-3 hour drive from the
mid-Atlantic coast and would like to participate,
please contact me off-list for the exciting details.

Monarch Butterfly Monitoring and tagging:
Actually, this is a fall activity. But it would be fun
to start studying and familiarizing yourself with the
butterflies over the spring and summer, in preparation
for the fall tagging activities. For more info and how
to order tagging equipment, go to

There's lots more to do out there and they need
people. Besides surveys, people are needed to conduct
field trips, speak at classrooms, and lead nature
walks. Contact your local nature centers, Audubon
Society or Nature Conservancy to find out how you and
your family can help. Many nature centers also offer
field trips like owl prowls, insect collecting,
collecting and birdwalks--check it out!

Spring's almost here! Start preparing for a lot of


Shireen Gonzaga
Baltimore, MD
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