Chip in SC
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruce Stallsmith []
> Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 8:51 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: NANFA-- 135 gal. Freshwater Tank
> The actual pigments in freshwater macrophytes are more similar to
> terrestrial plants than I had remembered, with a strong reaction peak in
> the
> range 410--470 nm. There's still the problem of light of wavelength >~550
> nm
> penetrating water. Certainly visible red light is totally absorbed by
> water
> within depths of at most half a meter so red is a moot point for aquatic
> systems. Are actinics out and out strong enough in terms of either lumens,
> or more exactly photon quanta? I honestly don't know. We shall see...
> --Bruce Stallsmith
> Huntsville, AL, US of A
> >Bruce, wave length penetration is different in freshwater than marine due
> >to
> >the pigments in freshwater. I think you are going to find that actinics
> are
> >not very good for freshwater but I would really be interested in hearing
> >how it
> >turns out.
> >
> >Moon
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