RE: NANFA-- 135 gal. Freshwater Tank

Bruce Stallsmith (
Tue, 03 Feb 2004 09:30:00 -0500

Sounds good to me, Chip, ain't no doubt I'll be there. And in a moment of
shameless revelation I'll say I really know nothing about growing aquatic
plants, although I've been bizzarely successful with a small tank of Elodea.
I've been successful with obscure native ferns, but that's another story.

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A

>From: Chip Rinehart <>
>To: "''" <nanfa at>
>Subject: RE: NANFA-- 135 gal. Freshwater Tank
>Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2004 09:04:07 -0500
>In a shameless effort to plug the 2004 NANFA convention, I will mention
>Patrick McMillan will be giving a talk on native aquatic plants and can
>probably help answer many of your questions. Y'all hurry up and get
>registered! ;-)
>Chip in SC

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