NANFA-- No more scratching

Bob Bock (
Sat, 7 Feb 2004 16:50:03 -0500

Just to update anyone who's interested after my previous posts about
scratching mummichog. With the passage of another week, most of the
mummichog have stopped scratching. (I've been sitting at my computer now
for about a half hour, deleting various e-mails about conservatives, guns,
school kids, and creek chubs.)

In addition to adding three teaspoons of instant ocean per gallon, I've also
added three teaspoons of calcium chloride "ice melting" pellets to the tank.
These I bought at the hardward store. They're marketed for melting ice and
snow on sidewalks and driveways, but just a little will bring the carbonate
hardness way up.

The mummichog look really healthy and colorful, except for some lesions on
their backs. These, I think, don't have anything to do with the parasites
and are probably from the spawning males beating up on each other.

The spawning mummichogs are really a colorful fish. The bright blue-green
dots they have on their sides remind me of blue spotted sunfish.
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