Nick Zarlinga
"If we ignore nature.....maybe it'll go away."
----- Original Message -----
From: "Katie Lynne Donovan" <>
To: "Nicholas J Zarlinga" <>
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2004 2:41 PM
Subject: RE: Speckled Chub fish
> Hi! This is Katie. I'm really sorry I didn't give you my
> state, that was sorta stupid, anyway, I live in Ohio. I'm
> not sure why I chose the Speckled Chub fish for my project,
> I guess I just liked the name:) Anyway, here is some
> information that I have found on the Speckled Chub Fish:
> -Threatened in the state of Ohio since 1979
> -freshwater fish, scientific name: Macrhybopsis aestivalis
> -Classification-Kingdom:animalia,Phylum:Chordata,Class:
> Actinopterygii,Order:Cypriniformes,Family:Cyprindae,Genus:Mac
> rhybopsis,and Species: Macrybopsis aestivalis.
> -Description:small, round slender body, protruding nose,
> mouth barbels, speckled body, pale and translucent w/ white
> belly, silvery long. stripe along sides,fins-translucent,
> adult length 1.7-2.1 in.,small eyes.
> -bottom dwelling fish, eats small invertivores or omnivores
> includes: immature insects,cyclopoid fish scales,some plant
> matter.
> -Reproduction:fertilization:External, Mode:dioecism, Non-
> guarder protective guild.
> -Occurs:Miss. River basin-Ohio and W. Virginia, Minnesota,
> Nebraska, Gulf coast, Alabama, Rio Grande in Texas, New
> Mexico and Mexico.
> -Habitat: sand ottomed rivers and tributaries over 160 feet
> wide.
> This is the basics of the information I have found. As you
> can see I have found much general information but I still
> need information on the population status. Thank you for all
> of your help. talk to you soon. bye!
> Katie
> P.S. I got your first forward, THANX!
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