> I was wondering if you have any information about Esox americanus, the
> or grass pickerel. Since they only get to be 15" I thought they might be a
> better choice than a spotted gar in an 125 gallon tank. Can they be
> onto
> commercial big carnivorous fish food? I was also wondering if you could
> keep
> a yard long little sturgeon in a 125 gallon tank.
Yes! Finally a question about sturgeons! A shovelnose sturgeon could be kept
in a 125 (really kinda the bottom limit) Shovelnose sturgeon stay small
compared to other sturgeon, they are captive bred, and they are skinny and more
flexible than most other sturgeon. Redfin pickerels only eat live food as far as I
know. I have several and I've never seen them eat anything but small live
food. I captivity a redfin pickerel would probably top out at around 10 to 12"
and a shovelnose sturgeon would top out at around 24" or so under captive
conditions. I'm sort of a sturgeon nut so feel free to ask any questions you may
have about them.
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