Re: NANFA-- Re: lamprey attack

Christopher Scharpf (
Mon, 23 Feb 2004 19:37:56 -0400

Thanks, Josh. I took a look at one and it mentions lowering the incidents of
lamprey "attachments" on humans. I guess my question is, Is there a
difference between an attack and an attachment? Lampreys do hang on objects,
and may occasionally hitch rides on other, bigger animals. It's their
nature. Do such attachments qualify as "attacks," though? Are the lampreys
actively trying to feed, or are they just "hanging out"?


> From: "Joshua L Wiegert" <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 16:34:49 -0500
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: NANFA-- Re: lamprey attack
> Chris and all....
> Source on Great Lakes Lamprey Attacks --> If you feel like reading a few
> hundred pages of dull monotonous text (much like e-mails from me generally
> are. :) -- check the Environmental Impact Statements for the use of
> lampricides in the Great Lakes and esp. the one for their use on Lake Champ.
> Lowering human attacks from lampreys is listed as a positive benefit of the
> treatments.
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