> Hello all! I thought I'd post a quick summary of my earliest ever
> expedition. Yep, it's Feb 29 and there's still ice on the ponds and snow
> the fields here in SE PA. I went out about 9 AM this morning and visited
> Susquehanna just north of Marietta. Lot's of shallow, cold water with one
> problem: Ice! There was a thin layer of ice that although easily broken,
> interfered with my dip net. After an hour of chasing I had captured two
> shiners (Comely I believe?) and about a dozen amphipods. Oh, my feet were
> frozen too!
> On the way back, I stopped at the Chickies Creek near Landisville. The
> was clear and a bit low so I was hopeful. However hopeful was not with me
> all I managed was a single Tessellated Darter that more or less caught
> himself. The poor fish saw me and swam right out onto a mudbank!
> So there's my first trip of the year. Three fish and frozen feet although
> was glad to get out! By the way, air temp was a balmy 55 F although water
> a bit cooler at 44F.
> Dean Markley
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