NANFA-- o-spots

R.W.Wolff (
Mon, 10 Jan 2000 22:05:03 -0600

My orange spotted sunfish have spawned for the second time in a weeks time.
The first batch i was a little late and only was able to siphon off a few
fry before they became free swimming and the "dither" golden shiners ate
them. I will watch this batch closer so I can raise up more of them. I
also have a bantam sunfish sitting on a nest off wigglers, and will siphon
them off to raise them tonight. I will also be placing my pair of
Louisiana dollar sunfish together for a fourth attempt to have them spawn.
The last three times the female was not quite ready, and gave up.

I have not done anything special with regards to lighting, temperatures,
or feeding. All but the orange spots are F1 aquarium bred, so that may
explain their willingness to spawn, but that doesnt explain the orange
spots, that were wild caught this summer. they should have seen atleat two
winters in the wild. they are also very timid, and the dither shiners
arent helping. when the shiners panic, the sunfish evaporate into the rock
work, but are much quicker to reemerge.

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