DasArm_at_aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 1/10/00 1:36:58 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> Moontanman_at_aol.com writes:
> << I haven't seen the show but it sounds very interesting. It would be neat
> to
> look at it from the standpoint of comparing the deep lakes wrecks with ocean
> wrecks and the creatures that inhabit each. That's one reason I am
> interested
> in lake bakial in Russia. This lake is supposed to contain many marine
> species that have adapted to freshwater. >>
> That's exactly what I was thinking ; the whole scene of the sunken ship with
> its fish inhabitants was reminiscent of an ocean wreck and I thought that it
> was a neat variation on the usual ocean shipwreck thing. I would like to see
> more video footage of Great Lakes aquatic life ; I heard that there's
> supposed to be freshwater sponges in there as well as freshwater jellyfish
> and freshwater feather duster worms.Seeing a spoonhead and deepwater sculpin
> would be pretty cool, too.
> The only things I know about Lake Baikal is that it has freshwater seals and
> it's supposed to have some interesting sculpin species.
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