I have kept troutperch and redside dace. I think Matt posted about redside
dace a few days ago. The troutperch were difficult to feed, kind of like
pirate perch are. Although, I think the troutperch feed more by sight than
do the pirate perch. Basically you need live or tasty frozen foods and no
competing tankmates to keep them fed. Other than that, they seemed
undemanding. Living in warm water over the long run may be detrimental for
Redside dace seem pretty easy once they are tank acclimated. Like many
minnows, they can be a little fragile and disease prone during the process
of capture, transport and adaptation to tank life. Once you get past that
hurdle, they are very attractive and active in the aquarium. Relatively
easy to feed. Don't mix with predators, though, like sculpin, sunfishes or
basses. Minnows are just dinner for those guys.
I have very limited experience with tippecanoes, but from what I've seen,
they seem to do as well as other darters, except they are tiny and need
small foods. Of course larger fish in the tank would be a threat. I don't
think I would mix them with redside dace. Redside dace get big and have
big mouths. Troutperch might be OK with tippecanoes. Don't know if you
have any darter experience, but I would suggest learning about darter care
before snagging the somewhat rare tippecanoe.
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