I start greenwater cultures in a gallon jar with old tank water, 2 dozen
snails and an air line. I put the jar under a round aluminum reflector with
a 100 watt bulb (if left on 24 hour per day it works faster). In a week the
water turns so green you can't see though it. I don't know if Var. darters
will need the greenwater or not. Var. darters are gravel spawners, Page's
Handbook of Darters says they spawn in sand or small gravel down stream from
large rocks. I always gather eggs as I like watching their development under
a microscope. I also get over 90% hatching with the gathered eggs. Gravel
spawning darters don't build nest the female buries herself in the gavel and
the male mounts her. I use aquarium gravel that is approx. 2 - 3 mm in
diameter. If I let the eggs remain in the tank I would remove the adult
after several days of spawning. If I didn't see them spawn I would look for
fry and then remove the adults.
Bob Muller
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