Sure, no problemo!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Crail" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 3:00 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- RE: Shipping supplies
> Great advice B.G.!
> This gives me an opportunity to ask a question then. I've determined that
> would like to track all information that is worth keeping. For example,
> I've added the Dissolved Oxygen and Nutrition threads to my "Library" on
> website. This is something else I would really like to add.
> What is appropriate to use? Should I just ask each person individually
> they would like done with their information? Like for right now, because
> hadn't had time since yesterday, I just added "Todd posted:" and "Geoff
> reponded" and "Bruce responded:" as far as names go with the intention of
> asking this this evening (busy day :).
> Well here... Under "Write Upos that may
> be of Interest". You can see what I've done. What are opinions of this?
> Might also be something worth mirroring on the NANFA website. It only
> me a couple minutes to get these into this format. Some of this page
> complete yet, but you can see where I'm going with it :)
> B.G. is it okay if I add this post there?
> I realized a few weeks ago that there's a ton of great info getting posted
> and, well, the archive doesn't work anymore. I spend a lot of time typing
> responses, might be easier to just do it once and then not think about it
> again, that is, unless I change my opinion :)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "B.G. Granier" <>
> To: <>
> Cc: <>
> Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 1:55 PM
> Subject: NANFA-- RE: Shipping supplies
> > Hi all,
> >
> > If you're like me, you're always on a quest to find the cheapest costs
> > supplies for shipping items (wet, swimming, and maybe slimy things)
> through
> > the mail.........
> >
> > Go to the site and click on shipping supplies, Priority
> > items, select the item 0-BOX #4
> > and fill out the required form and the Post Office will deliver 25 of
> > Priority mail cardboard boxes to you free of charge!
> >
> > These boxes measure 7" X 7" X 6", approximate dimensions.
> >
> > Now, go to your local home improvement or building supplies store and
> up
> > a 4' X 8' sheet of 1/2" Dow board, which is a sheet of foam that is
> > sandwiched between two layers of plastic film. (If you can find the
> thicker
> > "R" value, then get it!)
> >
> > When you get the sheet of insulation home, mark and cut out the
> > pieces that will fit neatly into the USPS Priority mail cardboard box in
> the
> > following sizes and quantity for each box that you're insulating:
> >
> > 2 pcs. 5" X 6"
> > 2 pcs. 5" X 7"
> > 2 pcs. 7" X 7"
> >
> > The two 7" X 7" will form the top and bottom, the two 5" X 6" the sides,
> and
> > the two 5" X 7" the ends of the box..........they should fit neatly into
> the
> > USPS box and will provide a stable enough box to enable my 200 pound
> (plus) to
> > stand and jump on without breaking! I actually tried to break it!
> >
> > When shipping fish and other wet and slimy creatures, simply place the
> bags
> > inside and fill in the empty places with foam or styrofoam or newspaper,
> and
> > take them to the Post Office and send them to their new home! (Express
> mail is
> > more desirable during these cold winter months, but Priority mail is
> > during the spring and summer months.)
> >
> > Swimmingly yours,
> >
> > BG Granier
> --
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