Stan Perkins
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 12:39 PM
Subject: NANFA-- RE: Roughfish
> My father would always "bleed" a large catfish (10 lbs and over) by
> the lower lip of the fish from a nail in a tree then cutting a slash
> the caudal peduncle. After about 30 minutes, he would proceed to clean the
> Seemed to help the flavor of the larger catfishes according to
> The Bowfins are much better eating if never chilled or frozen according to
> Cajun friend from Bayou Pigeon. As a matter of fact, he proved to me that
> they are even much better and fresher tasting if the fish is alive just
prior to
> dispatching it and immediately filleting it, but he never rinsed the
filets in
> water because this would also tend to make the flesh "mushy" when fried!
> was the first time I'd ever tasted it prepared this way, and I can attest
> that he knew his bowfin cuisine!
> I'd previously eaten Bowfin after it was chilled and already dead before
> cleaning and the flesh is indeed like trying to chew a
> BG
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