Stan Perkins
----- Original Message -----
From: "R. W. Wolff" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- RE: Roughfish
> Maybe I was too hasty to say " never bleed a fish", since it might have
> applications. It just reminds me of how people often take fresh fillets,
> leave them sit in water for hours- which rinses away the flavor- or dead
> a bucket of hot slimy water for the days trip. Even mild flavored fish
> bass taste like those cruddy frozen fish sticks after this treatment. Fish
> prep has to be done certain ways, fish meat is not hamburger or chicken
> breast. With proper handeling, all fish should taste nearly as good as
> fresh, even after being frozen for months. If something works for you,
> doing, and I have to take my own advise, don't be afraid to try something
> new, it might just work better.
> Any fish is better if it is cleaned immediatly after it is killed, and
> can be frozen right after that. That is why frozen fish sometimes taste
> Even if they are cleaned fresh, they might have sat in water or dried out
> the counter for a good while before actually being frozen.
> To prepare bowfin that are not going to be eaten right away, soak them in
> brine solution. The brine can have seasoning added to it, your choice
> After soaking for atleast 8 hours in a fridge, the meat can be frozen in
> patties. The meat then has a consistancy like tuna after being fried,
> grilled, or broiled ( whether frozen or fresh). Cooking slow with low heat
> on the grill, nearly smoking, can make bowfin meat like steak after it is
> done. Quite an interesting meal.
> My favorite way to prepare bowfin is to fillet ( after a rap on the head
> kill it), chop the fillets into smaller sections. Chop up onions, peppers,
> and celery. Mix the meat with the veggies and your favorite seasoning-
> and pepper atleast, then coat with your favorite batter- cornmeal or beer
> batter are good! Drop these fish patties in hot oil, and when brown and
> floating high, take out. You never tasted anything like it, and if you
> fish and other seafood, you will like this.
> That and the grilling recipe are some favorites, I have another one for
> broiling, but can't recall that one quite right now.
> Ray
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